If you do it, do it well!

In a recent editorial in Acta anaesthisologica Stephen Sollid et al comments on the recently published Scandinavian guidelines on prehospital airway management.
Focusing on competence more than formal specialty Sollid still notes that the anaesthesiologist has an especially good set of such competencies to acchieve safe and good prehospital airway management. However, he also states that both training and current hospital pracitice is necessary to reach the highest standards..
This of course applies to both hospital and prehospital "Critical Emergency Medicine". The challenge to Scandinavian anaesthesilogists has been stated by our emergency physician colleagues through Nicholas Aujalay in his blog post in sjukhusläkaren.
Now that challenge has been affirmed by a renowned and leading anaesthesiologist.

As anaesthesiologists providing critical care ("Critical Emergency Medicine") in hospitals we must respect the challenge of these clinical situations and stop sending our most junior colleagues to difficult situations without supervision and guidance!
As prehospial physicians we must uphold a current experience from hospital ICU/OR practice!
Finally regardless whether we practice in or outside of hospital we Must train for the job.
Anything less just wont do it anymore!

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